Paul Finebaum Backs Bret Bielema Calling Out Jim Harbaugh

The last chapter of Connor Stalions Slapling Saga was light last night as reports that appeared in a relationship with Michigan Football Team and their intention to quarrel on NCAA. The story got people who discussed the situation in the stealing sign and Illinois Football chief coach Bret Bielem decided to record In the former main coach Michigan Jim Harbaugh. Paul Finebaumwhich has always been a big Harbaugh critic, expressed support for Bielem on Wednesday.

Bret Bielema was not afraid to express his opinion on social media late and Tuesday night, Jim Harbaugh was his target. Bieleme quoted a video that was published by Harbaugh when he was the chief coach of San Francisco 49ers. In Videos Harbaugh says “If you’re cheating to win, and then you’ve already lost.”

“Really …. Why did you go? I look forward to playing, but you realize why you ran at #NFL,” Bielem said in response to the video. “See you in the future and you can’t wait for #familla #inll.”

NCAA did not find any evidence that Harbaugh had participation in the Connor Stanio scheme, but Bielem obviously has his opinion on it. Paul Finebaum He agrees with him.

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“I always loved Bret,” Finebaum said Show Paul Finebaum Wednesday. “It was fun when we were together. But he was right. Harbaugh was just an invincible fraud about all the things he said. By the way, Michigan didn’t really want to stay.”

What is interesting is that after the football team in Michigan won the state championship, he actually admitted that it was in fact because of Harbaugh. When the investigation began in the stealing sign, Finebaum said that he would not recognize the national title if Michigan was winning. After beating # 9 Penn State, # 2 State Ohio, # 18 Iowa, # 4 Alabama and # 2 Washington, Finebaum realized he was wrong.

“I say,” congrats “and (Mike Greenberg), last night I cheered for (Harbaugh),” Finebaum said ESPN“Get up” last year. “I can’t explain – I’m sure it’s a strange thing than back while I was a baby or something, but I don’t know if I’ve never been okay in my whole life. I didn’t think the guy would never would beat the state in Ohio – I said that on your show a few years ago, if I live to be 150, and I’m approaching. It’s really extraordinary. And I don’t want to be about something, green, never You don’t want to be wrong. But if you will be escopically wrong, out of this constellation, I will be wrong from this universe. And I think Jim Harbaugh was pushed by all those who doubted him in the early days. I’m not talking about what happened this year, that’s the second other story, but eventually proved everything wrong. “

After Michigan was beating all these ranked teams, many people realized that what happened to Connor Stalions obviously didn’t change much on the field, because Wolverinery could win all those games without it . However, Bret Bielem is not convinced and Paul (or heels, as Harbaugh once said) Finebaum beef with Jim Harbaugh will probably never die.

2025-01-29 23:12:00

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