Hawks’ Kuin Snider reveals “unique” comparison for Zaharie Risacher, Rudi Gobert
Atlanta Hawks chief coach Quin Snider She had the opportunity to train some incredible international players during her career, but more specifically, those from France. This year got a chance to Coach no. 1 Overall, Zaccaharie RisacherAnd throughout the season, he showed him nothing but love when he talks about his growth.
For Snider, he thinks all the French players in the league are special and spoke about it before their game against the Indiana Pacer.
“There are more French players in the NBA – younger players – who are very talented and competitive and you can see their advancement and see how their career will have that arch,” Snider said. “We have one of them in our team in Zacch. As I used to say, its competitiveness is unique, especially for his fighter. Everyone who watched Rudi and Zacch play, they are different players, but they are very unique.”
Snider trained Gobert when he was on Jazz Utah and watched him turn into a defensive player of the year. He also could train Boris Diava, who was known as “do everything” type of players when he was in the league.
“I don’t think I’ve trained a player who passed the ball better than Boris Diava. Just his sense of play,” Snyder said.
Snider departed the same feelings about Rasacher’s race through the season and it seems to start more and more to say that the wind decreases for years.
“I Think about ZACCH, we saw not only flash, but periods of time where (he grows). I mentioned it about his success not linear where there are opportunities in games where something works, and you are like: “OK.” For me, I saw him, sometimes he was working on, sometimes for people who just look at, it’s a flash that didn’t see the job he inserted, “Snider said.
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Zaharie Risacher They still learn during the Rookie season with falcons

Zaharie Risacher is getting better As the season progresses, and its hard work is paid. He was recently appointed to the eastern Rookie conference from February, and he has been shooting 40% of three from the end of November. Although he sees progress, there are still some things used to get used to You do not place fouled calls.
I’ve always bought in shooting guns Zaccherie Risacher upside down
This is what made him a valuable perspective that such a good shooter on his size
So seeing him hit 42% of his 4.2 3pa / g, from 1. January is very confirmed after starting a dispute of 3 pic.twitter.com/mktkv6fd
– Point made basketball (@ pointmadebball) 7. Marta 2025
“I’m in a big environment with a lot of great coaches and we worked on many things from the beginning,” said Risacher Viauren Williams from Atlanta Journal-Constav. “So it’s nice to see that all work are paid in games. But yes, I have to be physically. I must be ready to do my contact.” And yes, when I drive. “
It is obvious that Risacher still gets Rookie whistle – which basically sometimes did not whistle – but it did not stop him to continue being aggressive when it was on the floor.
2025-03-08 19:28:00