Paul Heiman explains the differences in the reservation between Triple H and Vince McMahon

After spending parts Four decades in VVE Universe, Paul Heiman has experienced ups, downs and all between reservations of promotion, from Gaidan Vince McMahon to the current executive product of the product produced by Paul “Triple h“Leveque.

But how do they compare and what creative officer does the “better” job of gathering the story of television? Well, on Sports media with Richard DunningHeiman gave his situations, noting that he was, in fact, still huge paul’s lewie guy.

“With the same amount of freedom, if not more encouraging to learn to others how to deny the point in which they are enough to get some of the same freedoms. Paul Levekue is a very interesting main content officer. I worked with many different CCOS and executable producers and exhibitors and stories creators. He is far, the most expressive. He understands, there is no doubt to understand that the agreement is stopped and he must make a decision, but at the same time, he is at the same time open to begin Different sides than originally predicted, “Hayman explained too close.

“Long time, in this industry, then took the distant Vincent Kennedy McMahon level, but a long time of the head,” Booker “begins with a blank piece of paper coming a vision of what the stories will be what it leads to Payments in the show in a large arena or pay by view or network. The word of the main writers were final if you did not go to the territory or company owner, in which case you challenged bookkeeping for Booker’s role . “

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Whoa, interesting things, right? So wait, Heiman did not finish, because he had more to say, including what he felt was missing from McMahone’s creative strategy.

“With Vincent Kennedy McMahon, it became a fairly microhanery creative process in which Vince had a vision and people around him were beautified, exaggerated, to raise, to upgrade Vince Vince,” Heiman said. “Paul Leveque can get into the room with a blank piece of paper and say,” Where are we going? Let me have some opinions. Call me. Seduce me. Inspire me. Motivate me. Hook me up on something. ‘He can say, “I see Mr. ABC against Dr. Lemnop, it’s the main event there? What are the spinoft stories from this story? The main topic for WVE next year will be building for the Lord A v. Dr. LMNOP. ‘There are many different ways in which Paul Levature approaches the collaborative process. They are all open to all ideas. Then, as a great editor, narrow and narrow it.

While the fans have seen a difference in a great deal of Seems to be under Leverature versus McMahonGetting into that look aside behind, the fight is fascinating.

2025-02-01 11:20:00

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